Updated at: 09.07.2019

Government of Republic of Moldova

National Agency for Research and Development

The National Agency for Research and Development participated in the 2nd edition of Moldova Electronics Forum

Published on: Wed, 05/31/2023 - 15:55

Between 11 and 12 May 2023, Moldova Electronics Forum 2023 returned with the 2nd edition, thanks to the organization of the Association of Electronic Industry Companies of Moldova (ACEM), the Investment Agency, the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA), in collaboration and implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ).

The purpose of the event was to inform the industrial business community about the existing development tools, to promote the Republic of Moldova as an investment destination, but also to raise the awareness of the business community and young people about the opportunities offered by the electronic field, engineering, research and development.

Officials participated in the event: the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Dorin RECEAN and Steffen LOHMANN, the head of Development Cooperation at the German Embassy, Viorel BOSTAN, the rector of the Technical University of Moldova, representatives of public authorities and institutions, as well as representatives of the electronic industry in the Republic Moldova, SMEs from Moldova, international companies, business support organizations and representatives of the academic environment. Mr. Vadim IAȚCHEVICI, interim general director of the National Agency for Research and Development participated in the second edition of the Forum in the field of electronics in the Republic of Moldova with a speech about the activity of the National Agency for Research and Development and its contribution to the fields of research and innovation in the country.

Mr. IAȚCHEVICI mentioned the competitions organized and the projects financed by the Agency, he presented the Innovation and Technology Transfer Program implemented by the Agency and the projects carried out by the companies in the field of microelectronics, members of ACEM. Mr. IAȚCHEVICI informed the public about the Agency's activity plan for the near future, which foresees the emphasis on the development of innovations and new technologies, and encouraged businesses and research organizations to establish partnerships and participate in the calls that will be launched this year.