Updated at: 09.07.2019

Government of Republic of Moldova

National Agency for Research and Development



National Agency for Research and Development


National Agency for Research and Development (NARD) is a central administrative authority under the Government of the Republic of Moldova, which was founded by the Government Decision no.196 of 28.02.2018. NARD is the legal successor of rights and obligations of Center of International Projects, Agency for Innovation and Transfer Technology and Agency for Research and Development, public institutions under Academy of Sciences of Moldova. NARD is responsible for the implementation of the research, innovation and development of national policy, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 and other European Programmes and the coordination of Moldovan Office for Science and Technology in Brussels (MOST).


NARD has the mission to ensure excellence and performance in achieving national priorities in the areas of research, innovation and development. The agency is providing a contest based funding for research, innovation and technology transfer projects. NARD encourages public-public and public-private partnerships by matchmaking and organising of brokerage events.


The agency is the member of Enterprise Europe Network, which offers support to local SMEs in order to growth and become international.


NARD implements the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 in the Republic of Moldova, being responsible for the following tasks:


  • Providing administrative and financial management for Moldovan NCP network, as NCP Host Institution;
  • Supporting the participation of Moldovan representatives to Programme Committee meetings;
  • Creating, supporting and managing the activity of Moldovan Office for Science and Technology (MOST) in Brussels, member of IGLO Network;
  • Promoting the participation of Moldovan R&D organizations and individual researchers within European Research Area (ERA).  


NARD supports the development of cooperation between research institutions in the Republic of Moldova and similar institutions from Eastern Partnership and EU countries. Following bilateral cooperation agreements, calls for bilateral projects are organised. There are joint bilateral projects with Italy, Ukraine (STCU), Belarus and Turkey. 


International projects implemented by NARD:


Horizon 2020 Programme:

  • JPI Water Works 2014, 2015, 2017
  • JPI ERANet Rus Plus
  • EaP PLUS project


COSME Programme:

  • Enterprise Europe Network project (FPA 2015-2020)


EU Cross-border Programme UA-MD

  • “Common Space for Creative and Cultural Industries” project


Danube Transnational Programme

  • InnoHPC
  • KnowING IPR


Erasmus + Programme