Updated at: 09.07.2019

Government of Republic of Moldova

National Agency for Research and Development

Evaluation process


Expertise process of the projects in the field of research and innovation  means  a system of support actions in the field of research and innovation, consisting in organizing and conducting the expertise stages , evaluating the objects of expertise by independent experts according to the basic principles and criteria of expertise provided by  regulations acts.


The financing of the expertised project is realized basing on the results of the expertise, the formulation of the conclusions regarding the opportunity or impossibility of financing the project proposal, taking into account the state budget and other sources of financing.


The main working tools are the evaluation sheets specific to each type of competition, the completion of which by independent experts ultimately leads to the evaluation of the project in points. It contains the evaluation criteria, defined in the agreement signed between the organizers of the competition calls and the evaluators. The agreement reflects a set of priorities for the respective call. Consultation of the forms of the evaluation sheets is strongly recommended to all participants before submitting project applications.


Fișa de evaluare științifică a propunerii de proiect de inovare și transfer tehnologic