Updated at: 09.07.2019

Government of Republic of Moldova

National Agency for Research and Development


   Updated: 23.06.2020

     Legal framework in the field of public service:      

  1. Law no. 25 - XVI of February 22, 2008 on the Code of Conduct for Civil Servants

  2. Law no. 133 of 17.06.2016 regarding the declaration of wealth and personal interests

  3. Government Decision no. 201 of 11.03.2009 regarding the implementation of the provisions of Law no. 158-XVI of July 4, 2008 on the civil service and the status of the civil servant


       The specialized normative framework: 

  1. Code on Science and Innovation of the Republic of Moldova, Law no. 259-XV of 15.07.2004

  2. Law no. 190 of 21.09.2017 for amending and supplementing some legislative acts

  3. Law no. 226 of 01.11.2018 on science and technology parks and innovation incubators

  4. Government Decision no. 381/2019 on the approval of the National Program in the fields of research and innovation for the years 2020-2023 and the Action Plan on its implementation

  5. Government Decision no. 382/2019 on the approval of the Methodology for financing projects in the fields of research and innovation
  6. Collaboration agreement between UEFISCDI and ANCD

  7. Government decision no. 196 of 28.02.2018 on organization and management of the National Agency for Research and Development
  8. Government Decision no. 12 of 17.01.2008 on the application of fiscal facilities granted to residents of science and technology parks and residents of innovation incubators

  9. Government Decision no. 222 of 28.04.1993 on the remuneration of specialists employed in the process of attestation of scientific and teaching staff members of the Medicines Commission and other commissions of experts
  10. Government Decision no. 1128 of 20.12.2017 regarding the approval of the Postdoctoral Admission Plan for the academic year 2017-2018

  11. Government Decision no. 499 of 29.05.2018 on the approval of the Regulation on the organization and development of postdoctoral programs

  12. Regulation on the activity of national entities in the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the European Union "Horizon 2020"
  13. Government Decision no. 896 of 12.09.2018 for the approval of the Regulation on the selection of  researchers as members of the scientific departments of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  14. Government Decision no. 1081 of 08.11.2018 on the approval of the National Roadmap for the integration of the Republic of Moldova in the European Research Area for the years 2019-2021 and the Action Plan on its implementation
  15. Instruction on the public hearing of the results of research and innovation projects

  16. Decision to amend Government Decision no. 790/2012 on the establishment of the Office of the Republic of Moldova for Science and Technology in the European Union

  17. Government Decision no. 790 of 22.10.2012 on the establishment of the Moldovan Office  for Science and Technology in the European Union
  18.   Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Moldovan Office  for Science and Technology  (MOST)

  19.   Order no. 14 of 26.02.2019 for the appointment of the representatives to the Moldovan Office for Science and Technology in the European Union

  20.   Government Decision no. 350 of 18.04.2018 on the approval of medium-term sectoral policy priorities (2019-2021)

  21. Protocol on Co-operation in Science and Technology between the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey and  National Agency for Research and Development of the Republic of Moldova
  22.   Provision no. 21 of 28.08.2019 regarding the amendment of Provision no. 01 of 02.05.2018 regarding the approval of the nominal Composition of the NARD’s Council

  23. Government Decision no. 460 of 02.10.2019 for the approval of the Admission Plan to postdoctoral programs by scientific specialties for 2020
  24. Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation between the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and the National Agency for Research and Development.