Updated at: 09.07.2019

Government of Republic of Moldova

National Agency for Research and Development

The National Agency for Research and Development announces the launch of the competition for staff recruitment within the National Office of the European Union Program for Research and Innovation "Horizon Europe"

Published on: Fri, 04/14/2023 - 12:53

The National Agency for Research and Development launches the creation of the National Office of the EU Program "Horizon Europe" (hereinafter - the Office) and announces a competition for staff recruitment.

The purpose of establishing the Office is to increase the number of participants from the country in the Calls launched by the European Commission through the Framework Program for Research and Innovation "Horizon Europe" 2021-2027 (hereinafter - Program) and to ensure a high success rate of projects that have obtained funding from the EU. Competitions within the Program are gradually opened and published on the European Commission Funding and tender opportunities portal (https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/programmes/horizon), on the official page of the National Agency for Research and Development (www.ancd.gov.md), as well as on the national portal of the Program in the Republic of Moldova (www.horizoneurope.md).


I. The purpose of the competition is to select the head of the Office and three thematic coordinators.

II. The competition is announced for the following positions:

1) Head of the National Office for the Horizon Europe Program—1 unit

Basic tasks:

- managing the Office's activity;


- ensuring cooperation with international and national organizations in aspects related to the implementation of the Program;


- coordination of the network of National Contact Points of the "Europe Horizon" Program (PNC);


- coordination of the activity of Official Representatives and National Experts appointed to participate in the Program Committees;


- cooperation with the Representatives of the Office for Science and Technology (MOST) based in Brussels, Belgium;


- facilitating cooperation with higher education institutions, research institutions, NGOs, small and medium enterprises, as well as other organizations interested in participating in the Program;


- offering consultations on the general aspects of the Program and on its thematic areas;


- providing reports on the implementation of activities;


- coordination of the national web page dedicated to the Program;


- documentation related to the topics addressed within the Strategic Configurations, Blue Deal, Green Deal, EOSC, Program Missions; Research infrastructures; Partnerships.


- other tasks related to the activity of the Office.


2) Thematic coordinators for:


Pillar I "Excellent Science"—1 unit


Pillar II "Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness"—1 unit


Pillar III "Innovative Europe"—1 unit


Basic tasks:


- coordination and cooperation with nominated PNCs in the domains of each thematic area,


- offering consultations to interested persons regarding the coordinated themes;


- assistance and support in the search for partners and cooperation with the diaspora;


- the organization of trainings, seminars, information days and other events at national and international level with the involvement of foreign experts and representatives of the European PNC network with advanced experience in the field, in order to increase the capacities of Moldovan PNCs and people interested in applying the proposals of projects at the Program;


- promoting and ensuring the visibility of the Program, including by placing relevant information on the national webpage of the Program (www.horizoneurope.md) and other sources;


- facilitating cooperation with higher education institutions, research institutions, NGOs, small and medium enterprises, as well as other organizations interested in participating in the Program;


- participation in meetings, working groups and other national and international events in the field of research and innovation;


- providing reports on the implementation of activities; other tasks related to the development of PNC activities.


III. Requirements for candidates:


1) For employment as Coordinator of the National Office for the "Horizon Europe" Program, the candidate must meet the following requirements:


a) has a higher education, bachelor's or master's degree (the scientific title will be an advantage);


b) holds the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova;


c) lack of criminal antecedents;


d) management experience, including within international programs/projects;


e) fluency in Romanian and English (knowledge of other international languages will be an advantage);


f) deep knowledge of the "Horizon Europe" Program;


g) knowledge in the field of IT, in particular the use of web pages, working with databases, generating reports from specialized sites, etc.


2) For employment as thematic Coordinator of the National Office for the "Horizon Europe" Program, the candidate must meet the following requirements:


a) has a higher education, bachelor's or master's degree (the scientific title will be an advantage);


b) holds the citizenship of the Republic of Moldova;


c) lack of criminal antecedents;


d) work experience related to the field for which they are applying;


e) participation and management experience in international programs/projects;


f) fluency in Romanian and English (knowledge of other international languages will be an advantage);


g) deep knowledge of the "Horizon Europe" Program;


h) knowledge in the field of IT, in particular the use of web pages, working with databases, generating reports from specialized sites, etc.


IV. Type of employment


Contract with a duration of 1 year, with the possibility of extending it. The contracts will be signed after the receipt of the grant by the National Agency for Research and Development.


V. Competition stages:


I stage—testing the files


II stage—interview test


VI. Candidates will present the following documents:


- application for participation in the contest;


- motivation letter;


- curriculum vitae;


- copy of the identity document;


- copies of diplomas certifying the studies/holding of the scientific title and the certificates of


graduation from professional development and/or specialization courses;


- copy of the work book;


- criminal record or self-responsibility declaration;


- the agreement regarding the processing of personal data.




Deadline for submitting files – April 14, 2023, 5 p.m.